Monday, July 15, 2013

Technopoly Ch. 9 and 10

Chapter 9: In this chapter Postman discusses Scientism, specifically social science, in our Technopoly. One of the biggest things that stuck out to me in this chapter was on page 150 where he said "What evidence would prove that there was not a God?" Wow! This is something that I have never thought before. In order for there to be a theory there needs to be proof against it. Does this not strengthen our proof against evolution? Postman also talks about the processes (events that occur in nature) and practices (occurs because of mankind). I appreciated how he said that the processes where of Gods doing, because it is so true. Postman gives the excellent example of the blink and a wink one is nature the other is intentional. One created by God the other generated by man. Postman also looks into literature and how that has or has not played a significant role in how we view others and the world around us.

Chapter 10: In this chapter the author talks about "The Great Symbol Drain". To be perfectly honest this is something that I had never thought about, but realized how true it is. Symbols are things that are used to ignite something in a person and it has deep meaning but only for a short time. One very recent symbol Postman describes is the yellow ribbon, representing those fighting over in Iraq. I can remember when this symbol was use, my own family bought into it and had yellow ribbons on trees and on our cars. But we are still fighting that war and well the symbol has lost its meaning. Once a strong voice of support, pride, courage and honor; well now its just a yellow ribbon. We also see the truth in the author chapter by looking at the symbol of the cross. Something so meaningful, powerful, and sacred is now used so commonly. Even those who have not understanding of what it even means tattoo it on their body, wear it around there necks, and wear it on their clothes.

Burning question: In chapter 9 Postman begins the idea of leaving God out of science and thus turning to other things to sources to answer our questions. How do you see this in the world and in your classrooms?
Talks about how creation is not a theory because there is no evidence to prove there is not a God. Not something we hear a lot how do you feel about this statement?

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